Combo's & Supplementary Books to help you become a California notary 888-838-1458
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Combo CA#1

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This combo contains the: (click on the book name to read the description.)
Although it is sufficient to just take the DVD & Book seminar, it is advisable to get the CA exam prep combo due to the fact that it contains the notary public DVD & Book seminar, the 2011 California notary law primer and the book entitled, preparing for the California notary public exam which are both helpful for passing the test and are excellent reference guides to keep with you for all of the years of your commission. You can learn the material much more thoroughly by reading it as well as seeing it in the DVD & Book seminar. Please read the descriptions of each of these products.
Please call 888-838-1458 if you have any questions.
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Combo CA#4
$139 + $11.46 tax + 18.53 s/h = $169
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This combo contains:
This combo teaches you everything you need to know to pass the California Notary Exam and also teaches you how to become a loan signing agent. The loan signing course prepares you for making a lot of money as a notary public doing loan signings. The knowledge related to loan signing is very specific and most of it is relating to documents and procedures of loan signing. Some aspects of notary procedure come up in the loan signing course, but it is primarily not related to notary procedure. We sell this as a combo due to the high volume of demand of new notaries who want to learn loan signing so they can have a new career or second income. Please read the descriptions of the exam prep materials. Please also read the loan signing course descriptions.
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Please call 888-838-1458 if you have any questions.
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Combo CA#5
$129 + $10.64 tax + $9.36 shipping & handling = $149.00
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Please read our testimonials about our books.
This combo contains:
Sorry we have so many combo's. We know its confusing. We are just trying to please everybody, and everybody has different needs. The DVD Book Seminar, law primer, and exam prep book get you ready for your notary exam. The other materials are related to loan signing and marketing your loan signing business. They are NOT exam prep materials. They are materials to help you get into and succeed in the loan signing world. The knowledge required to do loan signing is for the most part different and unrelated to notary procedure although some aspects of notary procedure are discussed in the loan signing course. Please read the descriptions of the exam prep materials. Please also read the loan signing course descriptions.
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Please call 888-838-1458 if you have any questions.
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6Hr State Approved DVD & Book Seminar
4 day delivery!!! Please read terms
Detailed and thorough book and DVD combo to help you study for the California Notary exam.
You will need to get an affidavit to swear that you spent six hours completing your study.
Proof of completion letter available upon completion of course.
This notary public seminar teaches you everything you need to know to pass you exam. This seminar contains information about the procedure of becoming a California notary public, applying for your exams, taking your exams, all of the procedures and laws affecting all of the various notary acts, important facts about notary pricing which will be on the exam (you need to memorize the different prices for different procedures), penalty for misconduct, and all other laws affecting your notary commission, sample notary forms, and notes about acceptable ways to identify people. (There are various acceptable documents for identification and you have to know them ALL). There are other notes about notary tools. Purchasing this seminar entitles you to one hour of free one on one help by email with the teacher of the course. We normally sell this seminar as a combo with two other books.
The seminar comes with:
- Instructional book and DVD
- 1 hour of email correspondance with the instructor for Q and A.
- Proof of completion letter available upon completion of course.
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2011 CA Notary Law Primer Description
$18 + $1.49 tax + $4.50 s/h = $23.99
I used the 2001 version of this book to study for my test to renew my notary commission. I used it along with the prep to pass the CA notary exam book. I did very well on the exam using this study method and that is why I include these books in the combo. The notary laws change very slowly in California. Every year there are some changes. This book doesn't suddenly become outdated, but gradually. It is a good book to keep with you as a reference because during your term, you might need to look up information about identifying people properly, and information about less common notary procedures that come up from time to time. The CA notary law primer has all of the imporant notary laws and explains them in an easy to understand way. The secretary of state's handbook seems to confuse almost everybody. Without the law primer, there would be no easy way to understand notary law.
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Book - Preparing for the California Notary Public Exam
4 day delivery!!! Please read terms.
This is a very easy to understand book that helped me to study for my renewal test in 2001. It teaches you what you need to know to pass your exam. I recommend that you purchase the law primer with it because it contains all of the up to date laws. If you only purchase one book to help you prepare for the exam, I recommend getting the notary law primer instead of this book. We don't recommend buying this book on its own. We only recommend getting it with a law primer.
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Live Notary Classes
If you take your notary exam in 2004, you do NOT have to take a live seminar. You can do a take home course like any of the materials we have on However, if you like the idea of a live seminar, please visit:
Testimonials About California Exam Prep Materials
I purchased the CA combo #1 from I found the materials to be very easy to understand, and I passed the test with ease.
Jason Starling
Sacramento, California
Due to the excellent materials in the combo I purchased ( The law primer, preparing for the CA notary exam, the video seminar, and the guide to passing - workbook ) and the phone time with the staff at / I missed only 2 questions on the CA notary public exam. I studied the law primer every day and watched the video from start to finish once per day too. I did all of the questions in the workbook again and again until I got them all right.
Sylvia Carter.
Rancho Palas Verdes, California
The 2002 notary law primer is one of the most well written and easy to understand books I have ever read. Just about everything you need to know is within the confines of this little book. Excellent!!!
Mrs. Towles
Los Angeles, California